We did a lot more brainstorming and finalised our ideas down completely. Below is my quick brainstorm and development of three ideas that Jon and Emma came up with last Wednesday...

The main brainstorm can be found in Emma's journal entry (click to view)
As stated in the previous journal we are going to do a comedic advert so I tried to develop some comedic ideas for 'darkness' 'socks' and an 'empty wrapper' but I am not particularly proud of them, I feel my talent lies more in carrying out ideas then generating them, although I have given it a try..
I also did a rough version of our schedule for the next 4 weeks...

There's a properly typed up version but its on emmas computer, once I nab it back off her I'll post it up here as well though.
After some discussion we decided to either go for advertising a Hobo or a Cardboard Box, and we left last week each to develop our own storyboards for it.. I chose to develop the cardboard box idea and below are some of the concept sketches and ideas written down for it;

The ideas are not all mine and I only developed the ones we were most likely to use... I really like the idea of using the cardboax box as transportation though, me and Emma have discussed the idea over the phone so we plan to develop that a little more and make it more comedic if possible :)
Finally, to end the week we went to the Rave Live presentation and found out we didn't need to pitch anything until this Thursday when the Rave Live team would visit us and view our storyboards. Hearing about Rave Live was interesting, it's pretty cool that it's going to be shown at Matter in the 02, seems like far away but I'm sure the deadline will rush up...
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